Despite success in its epic struggle to conquer tyranny during the Second World War, Great Britain emerged from the conflict at the brink of financial disaster and burdened by continued rationing of food, fuel, and consumer goods. Displaying the same indomitable spirit that had allowed the nation to carry on during the early days of the conflict when it fought alone against Hitler, Britons steeled their resolve, turning their attention to the devastated economy. Overwhelmed with debt and having to rely on foreign assistance to meet basic needs, the new Labour government issued a mandate for industry to “export or die,” allowing them to earn the hard currency needed to place the country back on its feet. Among those that answered this clarion call were automotive manufacturers such as A.C., Aston Martin, Austin-Healey, Jaguar, MG, Mini, Morgan, and Triumph, whose sports cars gained an immediate and enthusiastic following around the world, helping to resurrect their moribund homeland in the process. Rule Britannia – When British Sports Cars Saved a Nation celebrates this compelling story with authoritative text from John Nikas and his team of dedicated researchers and contributors; historic imagery from archives maintained by marque clubs, manufacturers, and museums; and modern portraits artfully captured in a studio setting by Michael Furman, the world’s most renowned automotive photographer. Along with insights from some of the most legendary names in Motordom, including Goodwood’s Lord March, Le Mans legend and television presenter Alain de Cadenet, celebrated historians Graham Robson and Timothy Whisler, and admired designer and writer Robert Cumberford, this volume has already received critical acclaim and is certain to become a touchstone for the genre. Join us to relive this remarkable period in automotive history when sports cars truly saved a nation.